Dr S V Chaitanya
Ph.D. (Mechanical-Production)
Email: svchaitanya@aissmscoe.com
Contact No.:(Off.) +91 20 26058587, 26057660 Ext. 1801
Mobile No: +91 9767217566
A hearty welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune. The department runs two undergraduate programs viz. Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich) and two PG programs with Automotive and Design Engineering as specialization. Department also run research Centre leading to Ph.D. Program. The department vision is to be excellence in value based on Mechanical Engineering Education.
The department has well qualified and dedicated faculty. The department strives to Impart knowledge and training of the highest standard. The objective of the department is to prepare students for a successful career in Industry, Research and Academics to meet the needs of growing technology. Our efforts are to develop the ability among students to synthesize data and technical concepts for application to product design. We provide an opportunity for students to work as members of a team on multidisciplinary projects. Mechanical engineering department provides students with a sound foundation in the mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals necessary to formulate, solve and analyze engineering problems and to prepare them for higher studies as well as research. We promote student awareness for life-long learning and to introduce them to professional ethics and codes.
Mechanical Engineering Sandwich pattern programme emphasizes on industrial training to students within four years of the study. Students are placed for training in the industry as per the curriculum of Savitribai Phule Pune University. The student learns industrial practices and also professional ethics.
For the overall development of the student; department of mechanical engineering is associated with memberships of professional bodies such as SAEINDIA, Institution of Engineers (India), ISHRAE, FPSI. We formulated a Mechanical Engineering Students association i.e. MESA. Various activities of these chapters provide student to gain knowledge and interact with students and staff of other colleges/universities as well as Industry Engineers. Students have taken part in various competitions and won National Level top positions in SAE competitions like Baja and Supra.
Students of Mechanical department also bagged prizes in academics as well in co-curricular activities. Students secured a gold medal at university level examinations, university toppers at Savitribai Phule Pune University examinations. Students showcase their talent in various sports and intercollegiate technical events and bag prizes.
Our graduates are working in Multinational Companies, Defense Services, and Academic Institutions in India and abroad. Last but not least our Technical supporting staff is unique in its own way. Students, as well as visitors, find them very friendly, amicable and highly intelligent!
Thank you for visit !