Department Activities

Farewell for BE Mechanical students: 26th April 2024

Organizing a farewell event for BE (Bachelor of Engineering) students in the Mechanical department was a memorable occasion to celebrate their achievements and bid them farewell as they transition to the next phase of their lives. It was planned schedule for the event including speeches, presentations, performances, games, and other activities. Faculty members, staff and students have given farewell speeches and shared memories of their time together.


Head of the department Dr. S V Chaitanya and Dr B D Bachchhav delivering a speech
Participants enjoying the session



The B.E. Project Exhibition 2024 was a testament to the dedication and hard work of the final year students in the Mechanical Engineering Department. The event not only provided a platform for showcasing their innovative projects but also served as a catalyst for fostering a
culture of creativity and excellence within the department. With the support of faculty members and the enthusiasm of students, such initiatives will continue to thrive, shaping the future of mechanical engineering at AISSMS, COE.

Students demostrating their ideas to faculties of department of mechanical engineering


Road safety awareness programme:  14th February 2024.

The department of Mechanical engineering participated in social activity programme to increase the awareness of road safety which is crucial for preventing accidents, injuries, and fatalities on our roads.

First Year Induction Programme for Mechanical Engineering Students

The students from FE Mechanical & Mechanical SW and parents get acquainted about functioning of department its Vision, Mission and Policy. Briefed about Faculties, Research Activities, Laboratories, Various Professional Chapters runs under flagship of Department, Academics activities, NBA activities, Scope of Extra co-curricular activities and Placement Related activities which are beneficial for personal growth of Students.



Expert Lecture On “STUDY ABROAD AND GRE” in Collaboration with “IMPERIAL OVERSEAS EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANTS”-2nd December 2022



“Road Hypnosis and Safety Awareness Drive” at Katraj Highway 2022


Expert talk by Mr Kiran Nawathe, Engineering Cluster Pune on Design Thinking and value Engineering (12/05/2022)


Project exhibition from Final year Mechanical engineering students at AISSMS COE, Pune 2022

17th AISSMS Engineering Today-2022                                                                            


Under MECHPULSE Department has organised 3 events


Organised from 18th October to 20th October 2022 in college campus.


Prize worth Rs.24000 were grabbed by the winners during these events.







AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune organized AISSMS Engineering Today on the Occasion of Engineers Day (15 September) Every Year. The aim is to provide opportunities for the overall development of the students. This is an annual technical event conducted jointly by students’ associations and faculty from all Departments. The aim of the event is to promote effective students–faculty–industry interaction. It is the mega event in which students from all over India are invited to participate.


TOOL CLINIC -2021 moments of students participated in Online Mode CAD WAR -2021 challenge


First Regional Conclave of Students’ Chapter of The Institution of Engineers (India) for Western Region for the year 2021-22 , 09-10 December 2021

Industrial Visits


I) AICTE sponsored One week STTP on “Advances in Tribology” held between 04-09 Nov. 2019.

Total 61 participants across the country were present to attend this Short Term Training Program. Dr. D N Malkhede, Adviser I, RIFD AICTE, was invited as a Chief Guest for the STTP and Mr A K Mehta, Executive director TSI, Tribology Society of India (TSI) was guest of honor.


Dr B D Bachchhav, Professor & Head Mechanical Engineering Department, AISSMSCOE, briefing the gathering about department and STTP programme on “Advances in Tribology”. Shri Suresh Pratap Shinde, Honorary Joint Secretary, addressing the gathering on the inaugural programme of STTP “Advances in Tribology


Felicitation of Dr D N Malkhede Adviser I, RIFD AICTE, by Sh Suresh P Shinde, Hon Jt Secretary AISSM Society Felicitation of Mr A K Mehta, Executive director TSI, Tribology Society of India (TSI) by Dr D S Bormane,
Principal AISSMS COE.


Felicitation of Mr A K Mehta, Executive director TSI, Tribology Society of India (TSI) by Dr D S Bormane,
Principal AISSMS COE.


II) International Conference on“Mechanical Engineering for Sustainable Development-2020 (ICMESD-2020)

International Conference on “Mechanical Engineering for Sustainable Development-2020(ICMESD-2020) was held at AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune,under QIP Scheme of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, on 17th & 18th February 2020, organized and hosted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, AISSMS College of engineering, Pune. Total 67 full length high quality research papers were presented in this conference. Out of which 5 research papers very from abroad, 20 papers from all over country and remaing from various universities and affiliated college of Maharashtra.

Dr B D Bachchhav, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department briefed about department and objective of the conference. Dr D S Bormane, Principal AISSMS COE briefed about the various activities conducted by the institute. Shri S P Shinde, Hon. Jt. Secretary, AISSM Society address the gathering on this occasion. Dr. Muzathik A. M. Professor Mechanical Engineering, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil, Sri Lanka was invited as a chief guest and delivered his Keynote speech. Dr. Wan Mohd Norsani Bin Wan Nik Director, ICoE Maritime cluster School of Ocean Engineering University, Malaysia, was guest of honor and delivered his Keynote speech. Dr. Vishal Naranje Professor Mechanical Engineering, Amity University, Dubai was invited for his keynote address and also presented his paper. Dr M S Deshmukh proposed vote of thanks.

Unveiling of proceedings of an International Conference for “Mechanical Engineering on Sustainable Development-2020 (ICMESD-2020) Proceedings by the Dignitaries.


Unveiling of proceedings of an International Conference for “Mechanical Engineering on Sustainable Development-2020 (ICMESD-2020) Proceedings by the Dignitaries.


Felicitation of Guests and Guests of Honour by the auspicious hands of Sh. S P Shinde, Hon. Jt. Secretary AISSM Society, Pune.


Words of encouragement to organizing committee and participants of ICMESD-2020, given by Honorable Shri Suresh P Shinde, Honorary Joint Secretary AISSMS Pune. Address by Guest of Honour Dr. Wan Mohd Norsani Bin Wan Nik, Director, ICoE Maritime cluster School of Ocean Engineering, University Malaysia, Terengganu.


Address by Chief Guest Dr. Muzathik A. M. Professor Mechanical Engineering, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil, Sri Lanka.


III) BAJA SAEINDIA 2020: Design Mega Workshop

2 Days BAJA SAEINDIA 2020: Design Mega Workshop was held at AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune on September 14-15, 2019. Nearly 200 students from 60 colleges were participated in this Mega workshop and 12 prominent speakers across the industry were host these young engineers in guiding them towards the path of Breaking Conventions.2-Day Mega Workshop was conducted for all the participating teams of BAJA SAEINDIA 2020. The workshop is planned to include training from industry experts on various aggregates of an ‘ATV’ like engine, steering, suspension, brakes, rulebook, DFMEA, DVP, technical inspection and upcoming challenges of BAJA SAEINDIA 2020.

The workshop was inaugurated by Mr Balraj S – Convener BAJA SAEINDIA 2020, Pithampur. Horable Sh S P Shinde, Joint secretary, AISSMS, Dr D S Bormane, Principal AISSMS COE, Dr B D Bachchhav, HOD Mechanical and Dr A V Waghmare coordinator were present and address the students.

ORGANIZED The Fourth Mechanical Engineering Post Graduate conference ‘MECHPGCON 2018’:

The Fourth Mechanical Engineering Post Graduate conference (MECHPGCON 2018) was held at “AISSMS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE on 13-14 June 2018 for Heat Power, Automotive and Energy Engineering specializations of Mechanical Engineering. The conference was organized by AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune in collaboration with the Board of Studies, Mechanical Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU). The conference provided platform for postgraduate students from Mechanical Engineering to present their project work and interaction of PG students with faculty members as well as industry experts for the empowerment.






The conference inaugural function was held on 13thJune 2018, with the auspicious hands of Dr.S.S.Thipse, Deputy Director, Automotive Research Association India (ARAI)as a chief guest and Mr. Vignesh Padmanabhan, Excecutive Vice President, Onward Technologies, Pune as a guest of honour. Mr.Sureshji Shinde, Honourary Joint secretary, AISSM Society; Dr.D.S Bormane, Principal, AISSMS College of Engineering and Conference Chair; Dr.A.M.Fulambarkar, Coordinator, BoS Mechanical Engineering, SPPU Pune and Conference Co-chair; Dr. P.J. Awasare, Ex-coordinator BOS SPPU; Dr.P.A.Patil, Member,BoS Mechanical Engineering, SPPU, Pune; Dr.Mandar Lele and Dr.A.V.Waghmare ( Conference Secretary), were present for the inaugural function.

More than 200 post graduate students from all over Pune University participated in MECH PGCON2018. In the conference, Microsoft Conference Management Tool (CMT) was used for the first time for submission and review of the papers which saved the time a lot.The papers were double blided which ensured transparency in reviewing process. Total 136 research papers based on project work were presented in the conference. There were 12 session planned on 13th June and 08 sessions on 14th June 2018. Expert academicians from Mechanical engineering and eminent personalities from the industries were the reviewers as well as Session Chairs.

The organising committee members were : Dr.D Y Dhande ( Joint Secretary); Prof.S R Patil (Joint Secretary); Dr.B.D.Bachchhav, Dr.P.S.Gajjal, Dr.M.R.Phate, Dr.M.S.Deshmukh(Track Chair); Prof S.V.Chaitanya (Track Chair), Prof C S Choudhari (Track Chair); Prof V R Patil (Track Chair), Dr.C.SDharankar (Track Chair) and Prof. O.A.More.