Chinmay Kumbhar, Atharva Virkar, Dheeraj Loharm, Pratik Ippar, Shravani Tambe, and Poorva Shinde (Team HimaShield) have secured a spot in the Smart India Hackathon (SIH 2024) Grand Finale, under the guidance of Dr.(Mrs.) V N Patil. This remarkable achievement is a testament to team’s unwavering perseverance, innovative thinking, and seamless collaboration, showcasing the spirit of excellence in problem-solving. The journey culminated in an intense 36-hour hackathon at the Delhi Nodal Centre, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies – Technical Campus, Delhi on 11–12 December 2024.
Pranjali Thawri, Sajan Bodele,Vedanti Thorve, Adwait Rao, Jayaanmol Shah, Harshwardhan Thube (Team Astra Codifiers) has made it to the Smart India Hackathon India (SIH 2024) Grand Finale, under the guidance of Dr.(Mrs.) V N Patil. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the team’s unwavering perseverance, innovative thinking, and seamless collaboration, showcasing the spirit of excellence in problem-solving. The journey culminated in a continuous 36-hour event on 11-12 December 2024 at the Bengaluru Nodal Centre, Don Bosco Institute of Technology.

BE Civil students Mr Ayush Rajput, Mr Shubham Shirgave, Mr Rutesh S.Shivsharan, presented a paper on “Application of Graphene Based Concreting in Developing Sustainable Road Infrastructure “under the guidance of Dr. V N Patil, in IIT conference, Aakaar-2024

V N Patil published book entitled-“Introduction to Data Science”

Design Patent registration certificate to Dr.(Mrs.) V N Patil for-GRAIN AND SEED SORTING MACHINE

Certificate of Registration of Design for-DEVICE TO MONITOR GROWTH OF PLANT AND CROPS to Dr.(Mrs.) V N Patil, Dr. A A Manchalwar

Dr. V. N. Patil has conferred Best Paper Award for Paper Entitled “From Myth to Modernity: Resonating Echoes Of Feminine Empowerment“ in International Conference on Gender Equality & Women Empowerment 2024

Patent has been granted to Dr. (Mrs.) V N Patil for an invention entitled REGULAR EQUAL WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM on 15/03/2024
The UNESCO INDIA – AFRICA Hackathon was organized by Ministry of Education, Government of India with 22 other countries. Our student, Mr. Tejas Bang, B E Civil (Leader TEAMSKY) got selected for this competition. This competition brought some teachers and students from different countries together to work on some real field based technical problems. Team TEAMSKY was working continuously 36 hrs on the “App to calculate rooftop area and reflectance from satellite data and estimate saving in electrical units as cooling load decrease by increasing the roof top reflectance by painting it white”. The team received mentoring from Dr Vidya N. Patil, continuous motivation from Dr. P B Nangare, HoD and support from Principal, Dr. D. S. Bormane.
Faculty Achievements During AY 2022-23
- P B Nangare worked as a JURY Member for ‘Well Built Sturcture Competition”, organized by BAI Pune.
- Dr V N Patil worked as JURY member in Avishkar at AISSMS COE
- Dr VN Patil worked as JURY member in Startup competition organized by Government of Maharashtra.
- Under the mentorship of Dr. (Mrs) V N Patil, Trash-to-Cash startup stood runner-up in the i-2- e competition organized by SPPU, Centre for Innovation, Incubation & Enterprise, allotted us 50,000 rupees as a reward and officially registered start-up as ScrapMan Pvt. Ltd.
- Under the mentorship of Dr. (Mrs) V N Patil, Trash-to-Cash startup have been rewarded working capital from Navayuvak Entrepreneur
Dr. P B Nangare acknowledged as a Member, Jury Panel for “Well Built Structure Competition-2022”, organized by BAI Pune Centre and B G Shirke Construction Technology Pvt Ltd.
Dr. P B Nangare received Prize for Best Lecture delivered at IWWA Pune Centre in 55th Annual Convention, 2023
(Mrs) V N Patil honored as member of prestigious “Confederation of Elite Academicians of IICDC” for outstanding contributions and stellar commitment to inspiring Engineering students to innovate and create ground breaking solutions.
- Under the mentorship of Dr. (Mrs) V N Patil TEAM won Smart India Hackathon 2022
Achievements by Faculty during AY-2021-22
- V N Patil, filed, published and registered Design Patent – RUBBERGRID FOR REINFORCEMENT IN HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION
- V N Patil received Mentor award for Best Innovation in SPPU i-2-e (Innovation to Entrepreneurship) competition (2020-21) with a hands of Vice chancellor Dr. Nitin Kalmalkar Students Mr. Gaurav Dudhe and Mr. Anurag Lambore received job offer as an award
- V N Patil received Best Paper Award for paper entitled “Role of Women in Science and Technology Research” in an International Conference on Gender Equality and Woman Empowerment
- V N Patil, H.S.Chore and V.A.Sawant published research paper on Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Embankment Slope Models of Fly Ash and Furnace Slag, Transportation Infrastructure Geo-technology Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology August 2021
- M V Waghmare, Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering, awarded Ph.D in Civil Engineering by SPPU on 24.09.2021. Title of thesis ‘Semi-Active Control Strategies for Seismic Vibration Control of Elevated RCC Water Reservoirs’
- U R Awari filed a Patent : Detachable iron mould with trimmed and modified edges specially designed for concrete columns application in retrofitting activity.
- Dr P B Nangare Invited as a Resource Person for delivering Expert Talk on “Pipe Network Analysis with Hardy Cross Method” at Dr. VKP COE, Ahmednagar on 13.09.2021.
- Dr P B Nangare delivered Expert Talk on “Pipe Network Analysis with Hardy Cross Method” at Dr. VKP COE, Ahmednagar on 21.09.2021.
- G C Chikute completed PhD from COEP-SPPU in Civil Engineering on the research topic of “Modified Gabion retaining wall with cantilever action using recycled concrete blocks”
- V N Patil served as Resource person for the program of Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights and IP management” at Pratibha Institute of Business management, Chinchwad Pune on 24.06.22
- V N Patil served as Resource person for the ATAL FDP on Design Thinking to nurture creativity and innovation leading to entrepreneurship in advanced level on 4th to 8th January 2022 conducted by Dr D Y Patil Institute of Management and Research
- Dr U R Awari and M S Chiwande Elected as Committee Member in IEI Pune local center
Publications of Faculty during AY-2021-22
Sr No | Name of Faculty | Title | Journal with details | ISSN/ISBN No. & Indexing |
1 |
Dr D V Wadkar | Application of cascade feed forward neural network to predict coagulant dose. | Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 2021, 10(1), 1-14 | ISSN: 23249676 Taylor & Francis, Web of Science, ESCI, Scopus, UGC |
2 |
Dr D V Wadkar | Evaluation of water treatment plant using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) case study of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) | Sustainable Water Resource Management. 7(52), 1-14, 2021 | 23635045 ,Springer, Web of Science, ESCI, Scopus, UGC |
3 |
Dr D V Wadkar | Applications of cascade feed forward neural network for modeling of coagulant dose in a drinking water treatment plant: comparative study (selected for publication) | Springer (USA) Book- “Theme 5: Groundwater and Water Quality, 2021 | Springer, Web of Science, ESCI, Scopus, UGC |
4 | Dr D V Wadkar | Microbial fuel cell: an innovative technology for wastewater treatment and bio-electricity generation | PENSEE,51 (6), 897-905 ,2021 | UGC care, Scopus |
5 | Dr D V Wadkar | Application of soft computing in water treatment plant and water distribution network | Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 2021 | ISSN: 23249676 , Taylor & Francis, Web of Science, ESCI, Scopus, UGC |
6 | Dr D V Wadkar | Application of cascade feed forward neural network to predict coagulant dose. | Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 2021, 10(1), 1-14 | ISSN: 23249676 Taylor & Francis, Web of Science, ESCI, Scopus, UGC |
7 | Dr D V Wadkar | Evaluation of water treatment plant using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) case study of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) | Sustainable Water Resource Management. 7(52), 1-14, 2021 | 23635045 ,Springer, Web of Science, ESCI, Scopus, UGC |
8 | Dr. P B Nangare | Evaluation of water treatment plant using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) case study of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) | Sustainable Water Resource Management. 7(52), 1-14, 2021 | 23635045 ,Springer, Web of Science, ESCI, Scopus, UGC |
9 | Dr. P B Nangare | Enhancement of energy dissipation using combination of solid roller bucket and type II stilling basin for ogee stepped spillway | Springer Book – River Hydraulics : Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering | Springer : ISBN-10 : 3030817679 ISBN-13 : 978-3030817671 |
10 | Dr. U R Awari | Effect of Earthquake Resistant System on Vertically Irregular RC Tall Building | national conference on Recent Trends on Innovation in Civil and Mechanical Engineering | national conference on Recent Trends on Innovation in Civil and Mechanical Engineering funded 11by Council of Science and Technology, Organized by Faculty of Engineering and Computing Science, Teerthanker Mahavir University, Moradabad |
11 | Dr. U R Awari | Suitability of lead rubber bearing of high rise building | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) | Volume: 08 Issue: 05, May 2021, pp 4742-4751. e-ISSN: 2395-0056 |
12 | Dr. U R Awari | Effect of Partially Replacement of River Sand, by GBS Sand and Crushed Sand | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET) | Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2021,pp 15381- 15387. e-ISSN:2319-8753,p-ISSN:2347-6710 |
13 | Dr. U R Awari | Strengthening of RC Column using GFRP under Seawater Condition | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET | Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2021, pp 15421-15426. e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2347-6710, DOI:10.15680/ IJIRSET. 2021.1012120. |
14 | Dr. U R Awari | Influence of Nano-Silica and Rice Husk Ash on properties of Concrete | International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews | , Vol 2, no 12, December 2021, pp 1710-1714 |
15 | Dr V N Patil | Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Embankment Slope Models of Fly Ash and Furnace Slag
Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology | Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology |
16 | Dr V N Patil | Regular Equal Water Distribution System | Indian Patent Publication Journal | Indian Patent Publication Journal |
17 | Dr V N Patil | Plaxis 2D Numerical Analysis of Encased Stone Column in Soft Clay | First Indian Geotechnical and Environment Engineering Conference at NIT Jalandhar | First Indian Geotechnical and Environment Engineering Conference at NIT Jalandhar |
18 | Dr V N Patil | Bearing capacity of Geocell reinforced model fly ash slope | First Indian Geotechnical and Environment Engineering Conference at NIT Jalandhar | First Indian Geotechnical and Environment Engineering Conference at NIT Jalandhar |
19 | Dr. S R Parekar & C S Misal
Energy Dissipation In Buildings Using Light Weight Buckling Restrained Bracings
Dickensian Journal Volume 22, Issue 4, Page no. 95-107, 2022,
ISSN NO : 0012-2440
20 | Dr. V S Chavhan
Controlled Ski-jump Spillway Model Design According to IS code
IJEAT | ISSN: 2249-8958, Scopus |
21 | Dr. V S Chavhan | CFD in Hydraulic Modeling
IJFGCN | ISSN: 2233-7857, ESCI |
22 | Dr. Manisha V Waghamre
Performance of RC elevated liquid storage tanks installed with semi-active pseudo-negative stiffness dampers | Structural control and health monitoring | Wiley publication, Online ISSN:1545-2263 , Volume 29, Issue 4, April 2022. Scopus, Web of Science, |
23 | K N Kulkarni | Developmental Studies for a Fuzzy Rule based System for Various Engineering Applications | Design Engineering | ISSN: 0011-9342 Year 2021 SCOPUS Issue: 8 Pages: 12409 – 12412 |
24 | K N Kulkarni | Fuzzy Logic and its Developmental Advances: A Review | 2nd International Conference on IoT Based Control Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICICNIS 2021) |
ISSN: 0011-9342 Year 2021 Eslevier, SSRN, Web of Science |
25 | Dr. Ganesh C Chikute
Investigation of Gabion wall failures and recommendations
Recent Advancements in Civil Engineering | ISSN 2366-2557, Springer Nature publication. (UGC & Scopus indexed) |
26 | Sneha P Khedekar | Deep Learning Methodologies and Applications in Artificial Intelligence: A Review | Design Engineering | ISSN: 0011-9342 Year 2021 SCOPUS Issue: 8 Pages: 17420 – 17434 |
27 | Sneha P Khedekar | Deep Learning Methodologies and Applications in Artificial Intelligence: A Review | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Management | ISBN: 978-93-91535-09-4 |
Books Published by Faculty
- Dr. U. R. Awari
- A text book ofEngineering Mechanics, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, ISBN No.978-93-82448-87-7
- A text book of Engineering Mechanics, Nirali Prakashan for Babasaheb Ambedkar Technical University (BATU), Lonere, Dist. Raigad, ISBN No. 978-93-86700-95-7.
- A text book of Mechanics of Solid, Nirali Prakashan for Babasaheb Ambedkar Technical University (BATU), Lonere, Dist. Raigad, ISBN No. 978-93-87686-76-2.
- A Text book of Strength of Materials, Nirali Prakashan for Babasaheb Ambedkar Technical University (BATU), Lonere, Dist. Raigad, ISBN No. 978-93-88706-76-6.
- A text book of Structural Mechanics I, Nirali Prakashan for Babasaheb Ambedkar Technical University (BATU), Lonere, Dist. Raigad, ISBN No. 978-93-88897-23-6.
- A text book of Structural Mechanics II, Nirali Prakashan for Babasaheb Ambedkar Technical University (BATU), Lonere, Dist. Raigad, ISBN No. 978-93-89533-05-7.
- Dr. S. R. Parekar
- A text book of Engineering Mechanics, Nirali Prakashan, Pune University.
- A text book of Applied Mechanics, Nirali Prakashan, Shiwaji University. A text book of Strength of Materials, Nirali Prakashan, Pune University
- A text book of Strength of Machine element, Nirali Prakashan, Pune University.
- A text book of Structural Analysis I, Nirali Prakashan, Pune University.
- A text book of Structural Analysis II, Nirali Prakashan, Pune University.
- A text book of Structural Analysis II, Nirali Prakashan, University of Mumbai
- A text book of Structural Mechanics II, Nirali Prakashan, Shiwaji University
- A text book of Theory of Structures I, Nirali Prakashan, North Maharastra University.
- A text book of Theory of Structures II, Nirali Prakashan, North Maharastra University.
- A text book of Structural Design I, Nirali Prakashan, Pune University.
- A text book of Structural Design I, Nirali Prakashan, North Maharastra University
- A text book of Structural Design I, Nirali Prakashan, North Maharastra University.
- A text book of Structural Design II, Nirali Prakashan, Pune University A text book of Structural Design III, Nirali Prakashan, Pune University.
- D.V. Wadkar / G. C. Chikute / P R Modak/ V Chavhan
- A text book of Basic civil and environmental Engineering , Technical publication for first year engineering (ISBN 978-93-5099-130-5)
- Building Technology & Materials , Technical publication for Second year Civil engineering (ISBN 978-93-5099-154-1)
- Concrete technology , Technical publication for Second year Civil engineering(ISBN:978-93-5099-660-7).
- M V. Waghmare
- V. Waghmare, S. N. Madhekar, and V. A. Matsagar, “Behaviour of Elevated Water Storage Tanks Under seismic Events”Advances in structural Engineering, Dynamics, volume-II pp 1167-11762015 Print ISBN no. 978-81-322-2192-0, Online ISBN no. 978-81-322-2193-7.(2015)(Scopus).
Achievements by Faculty during AY-2020-21
- Prof. S D Nagrale completed his Ph.D from SPPU with the thesis titled “Development of Sustainable approach for MSWM of Pune”
- Prof. R D Nalawade completed his Ph.D from SPPU with the thesis titled “Stabilization of BC Soil using polymers”
- Dr. U R Awari was resource person in the FDP on “Retrofitting to RC members” organized by AISSMS IOIT Pune.
- Dr. S R Parekar was resource person in the FDP on “Retrofitting to RC members” organized by AISSMS IOIT Pune.
- Dr. U R Awari was resource person in the Workshop on “SE syllabus revision 2019 pattern” organized by SCOE Pune.
- Dr. V N Patil published research paper titled “Numerical analysis of reinforced embankment slopes made up of pozzolanic waste materials” in International Journal of Geo-Engineering.
- Dr. S R Parekar published research paper titled “Comparison in Design of Technical Steel Structure by Indian & European Code” in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development.
- Prof. M V Waghmare published research paper titled “Influence of Nonlinear Fluid Viscous Dampers on Seismic Response of RC Elevated Storage Tanks” in Civil Engineering Journal, Vol. 6, Special Issue “Emerging Materials in Civil Engineering”
- Dr. S R Parekar completed a course “Excel skills for Business: Essentials” on Coursera.
- Prof. K N Kulkarni completed a course on “Learn to design your own solar system” developed by energy swaraj foundation.
- Dr. D V Wadkar published research paper titled “Modelling of coagulant dose in a drinking water treatment plant: Comparative study” got selected for a book published by Springer.
- Dr. P B Nangare published research paper got selected for a book titled “River Hydraulics” published by Springer.
Faculty Contribution
- U R Awari Organized One Week National STP on A Smart and Sustainable World in Concrete and Structures organized by Department of Civil Engineering, AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune in association with Ultra Tech Cement Limited, Pune from, 4 June 2020 to 8 June 2020.
- U R Awari Organized three days workshop on online content delivery for B E Civil (2015 pattern) in association with board of studies Civil Engineering, SPPU, Pune from, 14 July 2020 to 16 July 2020.
- P B Nangare Organised one day International Webinar on Career Opportunity for Civil Engineer in Transportation Engineering Field, on 18 June 2020.
- P B Nangare Organised One Week FDP on OPEN FOAM Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, AISSMS’s COE Pune in Association with spoken tutorial IIT Bombay from , 28th April 2020 to 02nd May 2020.
- S R Parekar Organized Three day workshop on Online Content Delivery for B.E. Civil’ on 14 July 2020 to 16 July 2020.
- K N Kulkarni Co-ordinated an activity under Cultural Committee Unlock Your talent in Lockdown from 27 May to 5 June 2020.
- K N Kulkarni Organised a webinar on Applications of MS Project for Construction Projects by Er. B T Ade on 30 May 2020.
- K N Kulkarni Co-ordinated Paramarsh 2020 – Inauguration Ceremony on 15th June, 2020.
- K N Kulkarni Co-ordinated Three day workshop for Online Content Delivery for B.E. Civil from 14 to 16 July 2020.
- M V Waghmare Organized and conducted a Webinar on Engineering Geological Investigation at Tunnel site by Dr. P D Sabale, Department of Archaeology, Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute, Pune, on 21 May 2020.
- M V Waghmare Organized and conducted a Webinar on Precast Mass Housing Construction by Col. Sanjay M. Adsar, General Manager (Engineering Planning and Design), B. G. Shirke Construction Technology Pvt Ltd, Pune (India), on 05 June 2020.
- Dr V N Patil, Mr. U J Jadhav, Sonal Chavan and Mr. C S Misal Organised one day expert talk on Dry Fabricated construction organised by AISSMSCOE. Pune on, 29 May2020
Eminent speakers for the conference:
The Keynote address was delivered by Mr. Kiran Deshpande, ex-GM, Thermax, Pune. He gave an overview of the recent advances in water management in India. He also focused on availability, growing population of India, projected demand and supply deficit of water India. He emphasized on simple techniques like rain water harvesting, water recycle and reuse to solve the problems of water to some extent. Dr V. A. Mhaisalkar, Professor, VNIT, Nagpur discussed the Sustainable Technologies in Water Purification. Research should be focused on technology based on utilization of abundant solar energy for the concentration of wastewater and extraction of valuable products. Mr Zaheer Ahmed Shariff, University of Stuttgart, Germany shared his views on “Practice Oriented Trainings in Urban Water Management in India”. He also talked about technologies developed by Germany in waste management. Didactic methodology will be useful for development of manpower. He also talked about the 3D simulation techniques as an effective tool to train manpower and how it will be useful in understanding the actual working of the plant. Mr. R. G. Tambe and M A Ladkat, Deputy City Engineer, PCMC talked about the water treatment and their distribution, water supply strategies using the SCADA system. Dr. Parag Gogate, Associate Professor, ICT, Mumbai discussed the advanced techniques based waste water treatment. He shared some advanced waste treatment based reactors such as hydrodynamic cavitation, activated sludge process, and advanced oxidation process utilization. This conference provided an interactive platform for academicians, researchers, policy makers and industry personnel to provide viable and sustainable solution to society.
Dr. V N Patil
Sr.No. | Patent/IPR/Copyright | Title | Years |
1 | Patent | Advandced Electromagnetic Field Detector | 2020 |
2 | Patent | Portable Inexpensive Potentiostat | 2020 |
3 | Patent | Tyre grid Embankment Reinforcement | 2018 |
4 | Patent | Crowd Puller Motor | 2018 |
5 | Patent | Tyre Grid Reinforced Embankment Of Pozzolanic Materials | 2018 |
6 | Patent | Vapourised gasoline fuel. | 2018 |
7 | Patent | Automatic Gate Operating Device | 2018 |
8 | Patent | Bearing capacity model instrument with sliding load frame. | 2018 |
Academic Years 2019-20:
- Dr. U. R. Awari was invited for one week faculty development program on Amplifying Proficiency in Advanced Civil Engineering organized by AISSMS Institute of Information Technology, Pune, from 27th July 2020 – 31th July 2020.
- Dr. U. R. Awari invited Resource Person for Mechanics of Structure for five days Syllabus orientation workshop for SE Civil (2019 pattern) organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, from 22th June 2020 – 26th June 2020.
- Dr. U. R. Awari invited Resource Person for Two days workshop on Damage detection strategy using smart materials, Theory and practice funded and organised by Savitribai Phule Pune University, at Kamalnayan Bajaj Institute of Engineering and Technology, Baramati, from 5th – 6th March 2020.
- Dr. U. R. Awari invited Organizing Committee member for Internatonal conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICSET 2020) held on 6th- 7th March 2020 at Pune, Maharashtra.
- Dr. U. R Awari invited resource person for ISTE Approved one day workshop for Effective Teaching. Methodology for Engineering Mechanics 2019 course on 27th July 2019 organized by Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune.
- Dr. U. R Awari invited resource person for three days workshop under, ISTE effective teaching methodology for Engineering Mechanics organized by Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, from 3rd Jan – 5th Jan.2019.
- Dr.S. R. Parekar invited resource person for one week faculty development program on, Amplifying Proficiency in Advanced Civil Engineering organized by AISSMS Institute of Information Technology, Pune, from 27th July 2020 to 31st July 2020.
- Dr. S. R. Parekar attended two days FDP on, Recent trends in Civil Engineering organized by RSCOE, Pune , from 30th June – 31st June 2020.
- Dr. S. R. Parekar attended one week FDP on, Online syllabus Orientation workshop for of SE civil (2019 pattern) organized by Sinhgad college of Engineering, Pune, from 22nd June – 26th June 2020.
- Dr. S. R. Parekar attended one week FDP on a, Smart and sustainable World in Concrete Structures organized by AISSMSCOE, Pune, from 04th June – 8th June 2020.
- Dr. S. R. Parekar attended one week FDP on, Advances Teaching Tools, Techniques and Methodologies for Outcome based education organized by AISSMSCOE , Pune, from 01st June – 5th June 2020.
- Dr.S. R. Parekar attended One week FDP on, Advances Teaching Tools Techniques and Methodologies for Outcome based education organized by AISSMSCOE, Pune, from 01st June – 5th June 2020.
- Dr.S. R. Parekar attended One week FDP on, Glimpses of concrete Technology in the field organized by SAE, Kondhwa, Pune, from 01st June – 5th June 2020.
- Dr.S. R. Parekar attended One week FDP on, Evaluation from offline to online”, organized by SPD College, Thane, from 30th May – 3th June 2020.
- Dr.S. R. Parekar attended One week FDP on,Promoting quality culture in Technical Institutions organized by AISSMSCOE, Pune, from 25thMay – 29thMay 2020.
- Dr.S. R. Parekar attended One week FDP on, Advances in Civil Engineering (ASCE-2020) organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Nagpur Institute of Technology, from 26th May – 30th May 2020
- Attended Two days FDP on, Introduction to FEM using FEA tool” organized by APCOE, Pune, from 17th June – 18th June 2020.
- Dr.S. R. Parekar attended One week FDP on, Outcome based Education: A step towards excellence, from 11thMay – 15thMay 2020.
- Mrs. S. A. Chavan attended refresher, course in teacher educators organized by department of education and extension SPPU, Pune, from 10th Jan.- 23th Jan2020
- Dr. P. B. Nangare attended One week FDP on, Advances in Civil & Structural Engineering (ASCE-2020) organized by Govt. College of Engineering Karad & Applied Mechanics Dept., Govt. College of Engineering, Nagpur, from 15th June – 19th June 2020.
- Dr. P. B. Nangare attended Five days FDP on, Advance Technology in Civil Engineering organized by Ghousia College of Engineering Ramanagaram, from 15th June – 19th June 2020.
- Dr. P. B. Nangare attended one week STP on, A Smart and Sustainable World in Concrete and Structures organized by Department of Civil Engineering, AISSMS’s COE Pune in Association with Ultra Tech Cement Ltd, Pune, from 4th June – 08th June 2020.
- Dr. P. B. Nangare attended Five days FDP on, Advances in Civil Engineering organized by Nagpur Institute of Technology, Nagpur, from 26th May – 30th May 2020.
- Mr. S. D Nagrale attended one week FDP on , Open FOAM organized by AISSMS COE, Pune, from 28th April 2020 – 02nd May 2020.
- Mr. S. D. Nagrale one week Webinar on, Metro Rail Technology Practices and Issues organized by RIT Islampur Sangli, from 11th May 2020 – 15th May 2020.
- Mr.S . Nagrale attended one week FDP on , Amplifying Proficiency in Advanced Civil Engineering organized by AISSMS IOIT, Pune, from 27th July 2020 to 31st June 2020.
- Mr.S . Nagrale attended FDP Five Day on, Advances in Civil Engineering organized by NIT NAGPUR, from, 26th May 2020 – 30th May 2020.
- Mr. S.D Nagrale attended FDP Five Day on, Formwork Design and Safety Aspect organized by COE, Pune, from 22th May 2020 – 26th May 2020.
- Mrs. M V Waghmare invited as a Resource person for topic, Research methodology at Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Pune (COEP), 2019.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended One week FDP on Promoting Quality Culture in Technical Institutions organized by AISSMS COE, Pune, from25th May – 29th May 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended One week FDP on, Advances in Civil Engineering” organized by Nagpur Institute of Technology, from 26th May – 30th May 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended One week FDP on, Promoting Quality Culture in Technical Institutions organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell AISSMS COE Under UGC Paramarsh Schem, from 22th May – 29th May 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended One week FDP on, Outcome Based Education: A Step towards Excellence. AICTE – Margdarshan Scheme organized by Government COE, Karad, from 11th May – 15th May 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended One week FDP on, National FDP on Artificial Intelligence organized by A N Institute of Technology & Sciences Vishakapattanam, from 22th May – 26th May 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended One week FDP on, Open FOAM organized by Department of Civil Engineering AISSMS COE, Pune, from 28th June – 04th June 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended One week STTP on, Infrastructure Development: Possibilities and Challenges ahead organized by New Horizon Institute of Technology and Management Thane, from 25th June – 29th June 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended One week FDP on, Research Methodology organized by Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women Secundarabad, from 27th July – 31th July 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended One week FDP on, Nano science and Nanotechnology- Current Perspectives organized by G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur from, 27th July – 31th July 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended One week FDP on, Research Advances In Civil Engineering organized by Jyothy Institute of Technology Tataguni, Bengaluru, from 27th July – 31th July 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended One week FDP on, Waste Management & its Impact on the Environment organized by AISSMS IOIT, Pune, from, 27th July – 31th July 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended one week FDP on, Amplifying Proficiency in Advanced Civil Engineering organized by G. H. Raisoni COE, Nagpur, from 20th July – 25th July 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended one week FDP on, Research Opportunities in Environmental Engineering organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth COE, Pune & S. B. Patil COE Indapur, Pune, from, 20th July – 25th July 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended one week FDP on, Sustainability Aspects and Recent Trends in Civil Engineering-The Future Scenario organized by BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore, from 14th July – 18th July 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended one week FDP on, Sustainable Environment- An Engineering Perspective organized by Assam Engineering College Jalukbari, Guwahati, from 13th July – 18th July 2020.
- Mr. R. D. Nalawade attended one week FDP on, Software Application and Research in Civil Engineering organized by A. P. Shah Institute of Technology, Thane, from 13th July – 17th July 2020.
- Mrs. M. V. Waghmare participated in ISTE approved one-week faculty development program on Vision-Mission-PEO-PSO-PO-CO: Framing, Mapping, Assessment and Attainment”,organized by CETL, AISSMS COE, Pune, 10th to 15th June 2019.