Industry Supported Labs:
01. AIML integrated IOT Laboratory:
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- To develop state of the art facility in emerging trends with within Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
- Offer comprehensive hands-on training and exposure opportunities in IoT technologies.
- Empower students to explore, innovate, and excel in the dynamic fields of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Title of the Project | Duration | Principal Investigator | Funding Agency | Amount Received (INR) |
AIML Integrated IOT Laboratory | Sanctioned Date 04/03/2022
(2 Years) |
Dr. S B Dhonde Dr D G Bhalke | AICTE, New Delhi | 691429/- |
Netalla Innovation Pvt. Ltd., Bangelore | 783301/- | |||
Total Funding Received from AICTE & Industry | 14,74,730/- |
02. Centre of Excellence in Robotics & Process Automation (BOT LAB)
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Title of the Project | Duration | Principal Investigator | Funding Agency | Amount Received (INR) |
Centre of Excellence In RPA | 2019-20 | Dr D G Bhalke Mr. N P Mawale | Automation Anywhere | 73 Lacs (Software) |
Total Fund Received from Industry | 73 Lacs |
- Refine and innovate robotic technologies to elevate the efficiency of industrial processes to new heights.
- Foster interdisciplinary collaboration to advance research in robotics and automation, addressing real-world challenges across various sectors.
- Cultivate a dynamic learning environment to nurture the next generation of skilled professionals and innovators in robotics and process automation.
Title of the Project | Duration | Principal Investigator | Funding Agency | Amount Received (INR) |
PARAMARSH | 2021-22 (1 Year) |
Dr D S Bormane | UGC | 1162778.00 |
Quality Enhancement | 2021-22 (1 Year) |
Dr D S Bormane | UGC | 50000.00 |
Quality Enhancement | 2020-21 (1 Year) |
Dr D S Bormane | UGC | 50000.00 |
Total Fund Received from UGC | 1262778.00 |
List of Paper Published in International/National Journals
Sr.No. | Title of paper | Name of the Author/s | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | ISSN Number | Link to article / paper / abstract of the article |
1 | Early Diagnosis of Obstructive Airway Disease Using EMG Technique | Kanwade AB, Magar PK, Bairagi VK, Thune NN, Itkarka R, Uke N,
Bormane D. |
SAMRIDDHI | 2022-2023 | 2229 – 7111 | SAMRIDDHI/article/view/3033 |
2 |
SAR Analysis Using a Dipole Antenna in a Non-layered and Multi-layered Human Head Model | AmolSonawane, D S Bormane | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication: Vol. 10 No. 1s (2022): Special Issue on Enhancement and Innovations in Exploring Engineering | 2022-2023 | 2321-8169 | rticle/view/5829 |
3 | “Survey of Automatic Dysarthric Speech Recognition” |
Namita Kure, S.B Dhonde |
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, |
2023 |
2321-8169 | rticle/view/8622 |
4 | “ Elevator Control using Voice Command “ , | S.B.Dhonde, Shweta Jagdale, umedha Chaudhari, Tanvi Gavhane |
The Indian Journal of Technical Education |
2023 |
0971-3034 |
.aspx?MenuId=ISTE_Journal_45 |
5 | “Underwater
communication using Li-Fi Technology” |
S.B.Dhonde, Vishakha
Gaikwad, Pratiksha Kavthale, Sapna |
The Indian Journal of Technical Education |
2023 |
0971-3034 |
.aspx?MenuId=ISTE_Journal_45 |
6 |
A Novel Approach to Cervical Cancer Detection Using
Hybrid Stacked Ensemble Models and Feature Selection |
Pratiksha D. Nandanwar and Dr. Somnath B. Dhonde | International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research | 2022-2023 | 2347-470X | rs-pdf/ijeer-110246.pdf |
7 | Early Diagnosis of Obstructive Airway Disease Using EMG Technique | Kanwade AB, Magar PK, Bairagi VK, Thune NN, Itkarka R, Uke N,
Bormane D |
SAMRIDDHI | 2022-2023 | 2229-7112 | SAMRIDDHI/article/view/3033 |
8 | Survey Paper on Extraction of 3D image Data for Detecting Chest Diseases | Mr.V.B.Gawai | JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS LASER | 2022-2023 | 1005-0086 | e/view/905 |
9 | Evaluation of Success
Factors in Professional Business Incubation |
Mr.V.B.Gawai | JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS LASER | 2022-2023 | 1005-0087 | e/view/899 |
10 | Rapid Manufacturing Ventilator | Dr. Somnath B. Dhonde | IRJIET | 2022-2023 |
2581-3048 | w/d9fb7c19f8dc17c441133f44485b4 91f/1?pq-
origsite=gscholar&cbl=5314840 |
11 | “Detection of Breast Cancer Using Hybrid Feature Selection And Bayesian Optimization”, | Dr.S.M.Kulkarn, Dr.D.S.Bormane, Dr.S.L.Nalbalwar, | Science and Technology Publishing (SCI & TECH) | 2021-2022 | ISSN: 2632- 1017
Vol. 5 Issue 7, July – 2021. | 5-issue-7-july-2021/ |
12 | Face recognition by an enhanced Local tri- directional intensity pattern
technique, |
Dr.S.M. Kulkarni, Dr.D.S. Bormane, Dr.S.L. Nalbalwar, | Journal of Information and computational science | 2021-2022 | Vo 11, issue 8, | wy9qSSUG- uxZM15Oh_NP3vernijHY/view |
2021 | ||||||
13 | Design and Analysis of Half Wave Dipole Antenna for SAR Measurement | Dr.D.S.Bormane | Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research | 2021-2022 | 0975-3583 | Uploads/Files/6244192a00e889.126 16868.pdf |
14 | Detection of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Using Surface Electromyography by Supervised Classification Models | Dr.D.S.Bormane | Mater. Today Proc. | 2021-2022 | 1583-6258 | nce/article/pii/S2214785321052342 |
15 | Electromyography Signal Analysis for the Detection of TMJ Disorder Using Classification Models and | Dr.D.S.Bormane | Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle | 2021-2022 | 0992-499X | aper/10.18280/ria.360320 |
16 | “Investigational outcomes obtained from diabetic
and nondiabetic volunteers using noninvasive microwave based glucometer” |
Ms V V Deshmukh | Scopus indexed IJETAE journal | 2021-2022 | 2250-2459 | ue6/IJETAE_0622_22.pdf |
17 | Detection And Diagnosis Of Covid-19 Using Pnuemonia | Mrs. Rajeshri Itkarkar | SAMRIDDHI | 2021-2022 | 2229-7111 | SAMRIDDHI/article/view/3036 |
S. Bormane, Sushma Wadar |
Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences | 2020-2021 | 2454-7190 | al_issue/square-operation- implementation-on-reconfigurable- hardware-logic-to-attain-high-speed- area-optimization-and-low-power- consumption/ |
19 | Temporomandibular Joint Disorder with Electromyographic Evaluation in Different Age
Groups |
Dr. D. S. Bormane, Roopa B Kakkeri. | Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology | 2020-2021 | 1583-6258, | nal/article/view/4986 |
20 | Acceleration Techniques using Reconfigurable Hardware for Implementation of Floating
Point Multiplier |
D S Bormane, 2 Sushma Wadar, 3Avinash Patil, 4 S C Patil | Helix: The Scientific Explorer | 2020-2021 | 2319-5592 |
/home/article/view/175 |
21 | A Novel Architecture For Multi-Bit Shift And Rotate Operation | Sushma Wadar , D S Bormane , S C Patil, Avinash Patil | Journal Of Mechanics Of Continua And Mathematical Sciences | 2020-2021 | 0973-8975 | al_issue/a-novel-architecture-for- multi-bit-shift-and-rotate-operation/ |
22 | Real-time Electrocardiogram monitoring for heart diseases with secured Internet of Thing Protocol | Trupti Thite, Daulappa Bhalke | International journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics | 2020-2021 | 1755-0653 | inarticle.php?artid=125311 |
23 | Monophonic Musical Instrument Sound Classification Using Impulse
Response |
R. Kothe, D.G. Bhalke, A Adeshpande | Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education | 2020-2021 | 1667-1672 | bilmat/article/view/2155 |
24 | Accident Detection and Monitoring using Black Box | Vidya Deshmukh1, Mahesh Ghate, Akanksha Sukre, Pramila Shinde2 | SAMRIDDHI | 2020-2021 | 2454–5767 | AMRIDDHI/article/view/1973 |
25 | Non-invasive determination of blood glucose level using narrowband microwave sensor | Vidya Deshmukh, Suvarna Chorage | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing | 2020-2021 | 1007/s12652-021-03105-z | |
26 | Text to Speech Synthesis in Celebrity’s Voice | Ajinkya P. Gaddime, Dhananjay P. Mane, Ruchita K. Vehale, Vaishnavi S. Khawale, D.
G. Bhalke, R. R. Itkarkar |
SAMRIDDHI | 2020-2021 | 2229 – 7111 | AMRIDDHI/article/view/1959/893 |
27 | “Distressed Positioning System based on Long Range Module (LoRa)” | Kirtimalini Chaudhari, Prafulla Ingale, Prathamesh Aswale,
Prajyot Aksapure |
SAMRIDDHI | 2020-2021 | 2229 – 7112 | |
28 | Internet of Things-Based Onion Preservation System | Vinay S. Sidawadkar, Rohini Ahire, Shankaranand Lohare, Dipak Gavhale, Prachi P.
Vast |
SAMRIDDHI | 2020-2021 | 2229 – 7112 | |
29 | Internet of Things-Based Monitoring and Mapping of Absentee Visualization on the ShopFloor | Arya A. Pisharody, Jayanti
S. Pote, Pranali N.R. Jadhav, Santosh B. Dhekale |
SAMRIDDHI | 2020-2021 | 2229 – 7112 | |
30 | Water Level Monitoring and Leakage Detection System using Long Range Module (LoRa) | Pranita S. Patil, Poorwa D. Kapgate, Shambhavi B. Rathour, Nitin P. Mawale, Rajendra G. Khope | SAMRIDDHI | 2020-2021 | ISSN : 2229 – 7112 | |
31 | Online Food Ordering System for College Canteen | Rupali B. Kale, Ruchika K. Balwade, Vipin B. Gawai | SAMRIDDHI | 2020-2021 | 2229 – 7112 | SAMRIDDHI/article/view/1968 |
32 | Student Placement Prediction System using Machine Learning | Varsha K. Harihar, D. G. Bhalke | SAMRIDDHI | 2020-2021 | 2229 – 7112 | AMRIDDHI/article/view/1972 |
33 | Voice Conversion System for Indian Sign Language using Raspberry Pi | Rajeshri R. Itkarkar, Omkar H. Darekar, Sahil
U. Vora, Prachi K. Gorate, Nividita V. Ketkar, DattatarayBormane, Anilkumar Nandi |
SAMRIDDHI | 2020-2021 | 2229 – 7111 | SAMRIDDHI/article/view/1967 |
34 | A Fast and Optimized Architecture to Perform Multi-Bit Permutation Operation | Sushma Wadar, D S Bormane | Helix: The Scientific Explorer | 2019-2020 | 2319-5592 | content/uploads/2019/10/5269- 5274.pdf |
35 | Design & Analysis of MIMO Microstrip Antenna with Improved MutualCoupling | PreetiKumbhar, Dr. D.S. Bormane, Dr. D.G. Bhalke | INTERNATIONALRESEARCHJOURNAL OFENGINEERING ANDTECHNOLOGY (IRJET) | 2019-2020 | 2395-0072 | 8/IRJET-V6I8304.pdf |
36 | Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna with Enhanced Bandwidth and Harmonic Suppression for WLAN Applications | Thorat Sunita, Bhalke D G
, Bormane D S, |
International research journal of engineering and technology | 2019-2020 | 2395-0072 | 9/IRJET-V6I9163.pdf |
37 | A Framework for Optimal Attribute Evaluation and Selection in Hesitant Fuzzy Environment Based on Enhanced Ordered Weighted Entropy Approach for Medical Dataset | A Dikshit-Ratnaparkhi, D Bormane, R Ghongade | J Biomed Phys Eng | 2019-2020 | 10.31661/jbpe
.v0i0.1033 | 341878/ |
38 | A novel entropy-based weighted attribute selection in enhanced multicriteria decision-making using fuzzy TOPSIS model for hesitant fuzzy rough environment. | Dikshit-Ratnaparkhi, A., Bormane, D. &Ghongade, R | Complex & Intelligent Systems | 2019-2020 | | |
39 | Mathematical Modeling, Control Design, Simulation & Implementation of Electric Vehicle Charger | R. G. Mapari, D.G.Bhalke, Rahul Parbat | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) | 2019-2020 | 2249-8958 | content/uploads/papers/v9i2/B3660 129219.pdf |
40 | Audio Fingerprinting using Chromogram Features | Dr.Chanakya Kumar Jha,Dr. D.G. Bhalke | Journal of Applied Science and Computations, | 2019-2020 | 1076-5132 | 6-issue-3-march-2019/ |
41 | Musical instrument identification using Bispectrum and trispectrum
features |
Dr.Chanakya Kumar Jha,Dr. D.G. Bhalke | Journal of Applied Science and Computations, | 2019-2020 | 1076-5133 | 6-issue-3-march-2019/ |
42 | MARINE BORDER ALERT SYSTEM | Dr.D.G.Bhalke, Ms. Sonali Bhosale Ms. R.S. Kothe | Journal of Applied Science and Computations, | 2019-2020 | 1076-5135 | 6-issue-3-march-2019/ |
43 | Performance Assessment of Robust & Efficient video stabilization algorithms based on L1-L2 optimization and s-R-t transform | S.M.Kulkarni, D.S.BormaneS.L.Nalbalwa r | International Journal of Scientific Research and Review | 2018-2019 | 2279-543 | nt/9057924 |
44 | Online Analysis of Handwriting for Disease
Diagnosis- A Review |
SeemaKedar, Dr. D S Bormane | IJET | 2018-2019 | 0976-0245 | ex.php/ijet/article/view/22802 |
45 | Massive mimo: fundamentals and
challenges for 5G |
D S Boramne | Internatiuonal journal of creative research thoughts | 2018-2019 | 2320-2882 | 3.pdf |
46 | An approach to predict hypertension based on handwritten manuscript | Kedar Seema1, Bormane
D. S |
Journal of Public Health Research & Development | 2018-2019 | 0976-0245 | Agcd%3A13%3A9922765/detailv2?si d=ebsco%3Aplink%3Ascholar&id=eb sco%3Agcd%3A157449706&crl=f |
47 | Online Analysis of Handwriting for Disease Diagnosis- A Review | SeemaKedar
Dr. D S Bormane |
International Journal of Engineering & Technology | 2018-2019 | ex.php/ijet/article/view/22802 |
List of Conference and Book Published
Sr.No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the book/chapters published | Title of the paper | Title of the proceedings of the conference | Name of the conference | National / International | Year of publication | ISBN number of the proceeding |
1 | Dr Somnath B
Dhonde |
Digital Circuits | 2022-23 | 978-93-332-
2211-2 |
2 | Nitin Mawale, |
Smart Grid System using GSM | National conference NCIET 2023 | National conference NCIET 2023 | National | 2022-23 | ISSN 0971-3034 |
3 | Dr. R R Itkarkar |
Autonomous Medical Assistive Robot | National conference NCIET 2023 | National conference NCIET 2023 | National | 2022-23 | ISSN 0971-3034 |
4 | Dr Somnath B Dhonde |
Elevator Control using Voice Command | National conference NCIET 2023 | National conference NCIET 2023 | National | 2022-23 | ISSN 0971-3034 |
5 | Yogita Lad |
Design and Development of IoT Based Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine | National conference NCIET 2023 | National conference NCIET 2023 | National | 2022-23 | ISSN 0971-3034 |
6 | Vipin Gawai |
The Proctor – A Robot for Crop Disease Detection using IoRT
and YOLO |
National conference NCIET 2023 | National conference NCIET 2023 | National | 2022-23 | ISSN 0971-3034 |
7 | Nitin Mawale |
Smart Cylinder Trolley for Home Safety | National conference NCIET 2023 | National conference NCIET 2023 | National | 2022-23 | ISSN 0971-3034 |
8 | Dr.Prachi Vast |
Design and Development of Microstrip Antenna for Non-Invasive Glucose
Testing |
National conference NCIET 2023 | National conference NCIET 2023 | National | 2022-23 | ISSN 0971-3034 |
9 | Vaishnavi Navale |
Text-to-Image AI Model using Deep Learning | National conference NCIET 2023 | National conference NCIET 2023 | National | 2022-23 | ISSN 0971-3034 |
10 | Vidya Deshmukh |
Smart Chef: Automated Cooking System with Robotic Arm | National conference NCIET 2023 | National conference NCIET 2023 | National | 2022-23 | ISSN 0971-3034 |
11 | Vidya Deshmukh |
Breaking Language Barriers: Transformer Based Sentence
Translation |
National conference NCIET 2023 | National conference NCIET 2023 | National | 2022-23 | ISSN 0971-3034 |
12 | Dr.Rajeshri R Itkarkar, D S Bormane |
Design and Development of a Real Time Hand Gesture Recognition System for Indian
Sign Language using Tensor Flow |
National conference NCIET 2023 | National conference NCIET 2023 | National | 2022-23 | ISSN 0971-3034 |
13 | Dr .D. S.
Bormane |
2021-2022 | 978-93-516-
4669-3 |
14 | Dr. S. B. Dhonde | Digital Circuits | 2021-2022 | 978-93-332-
2152-8 |
15 | S B Dhekale | Fundamentals of Java
Programming |
2021-2022 | 978-93-91567-
91-0 |
16 | S B Dhekale | Advanced Java
Programming |
2021-2022 | 978-93-5585-
013-3 |
17 | Dr. D. G. Bhalke | Radiation and
Microwave Theory |
2021-2022 | 978-93-5585-
119-2 |
18 | R R Itkarkar, Dr V N Patil & Dr D S Bormane | “Role of Women in science and technology research” | International conference on gender equality and women
empowerment (ICGEWE- 2022) on 8th March 2022 |
International conference on gender equality and women empowerment (ICGEWE-2022) on 8th
March 2023 |
International | 2021-2022 | ||
19 | Mr. S B Dhekale, Miheeka Khair, Mamta Patni and Sana Subhedar | “Voice Tone Analyzer Using Ml” | 2nd National Conference on Engineering and Technology 2022 | 2nd National Conference on Engineering and Technology 2022 | National | 2021-2022 | ||
20 | MRs. P P Tayade, Deepali Dalvi, Prachi Kshirsagar, Shirish Nandkar | “Theft Vehicle Live Location Retrieving and Accident Location Intimation Through SMS” | 2nd National Conference on Engineering and Technology 2022 | 2nd National Conference on Engineering and Technology 2022 | National | 2021-2022 | ||
21 | Daulapap Bhalke and Daideep Bhingarde | “Stock Price Prediction Using Long Short Term Memory” | 2nd National Conference on Engineering and
Technology 2022 |
2nd National Conference on Engineering and Technology 2022 | National | 2021-2022 | ||
22 | Mrs. V S Navale, Tanmayee Gajare, Krutika Jagtap and Suvidhan Mane | “Automated Data Entry Using Robotic Process Automation” | 2nd National Conference on Engineering and Technology 2022 | 2nd National Conference on Engineering and Technology 2022 | National | 2021-2022 | ||
23 | Mrs. Rajeshri Itkarkar, Anushka Tidke, Shivam Deshmukh and Aniket Dalvi | “Detection And Diagnosis Of Covid-19 Using Pnuemonia” | 2nd National Conference on Engineering and Technology 2022 | 2nd National Conference on Engineering and Technology 2022 | National | 2021-2022 | ||
24 | Mr. Sudhir Bhosale, Suyash Rajpure, Megha Tadge and Monali Londhe | “Timer controlled automatic switch for 3 phase induction motor” | 2nd National Conference on Engineering and Technology 2022 | 2nd National Conference on Engineering and Technology 2027 | National | 2021-2022 | ||
25 | S B Dhekale | Data Structures SE (2019
Course) |
2020-2021 | 978-93-90641-
36-7 |
26 | S B Dhekale | A text book for Object Oriented programming(204184) SE (E&TC) 2019 course Sem- II book published ISBN 978-93-90770-18-8 | 2020-2021 | 978-93-90770-
18-8 |
27 | Kirtimalini Chaudh | Adaptive Diagonal Loading of MVDR Beamformer
For Sustainable Performance In Noisy Conditions |
IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), | International | 2020-2021 | |||
28 | Itkarkar Rajeshri R, Anil Kumar V. Nandi, Vaishali B. Mungurwadi | Indian Sign Language Recognition usingCombined Feature Extraction | Advances in Medical Physics and Healthcare Engineering (AMPHE2020)
conference, 25th Sep 2020 |
International | 2020-2021 | ISBN: 978-981-
33-6915-3 |
Dr. D S Bormane
Sr. No. | Title of Patent | Filled -date | Published date |
1 | Fuzzy Rough Assisted Portable Miniature Diligent e-heart system for usability in rural areas | 201821014794
18/04/2018 |
18/04/2018 |
2 | Soft Rough set based heart health monitoring system using Photoplethysmographic Waveforms | 201821017915
18/04/2018 |
01/06/2018 |
3 | Method, apparatus and system for finding a square root of a perfect square number | 201921014084
08/04/2019 Patent no 365936 |
Published on 10/05/2019
Granted on 03/05/2021 |
4 | Method, Apparatus and System for Shift and Rotate | No:201921014067, 15/05/2019. | 15/05/2019 |
5 | Prototype development for acquisition of Maternal and Fetal ECG along with development of algorithm for extraction of Fetal from Maternal ECG on benchmark database | 202021020732
16-05-2020 |
16-05-2020 |
6 | Method, Apparatus and System for Finding Square of a n Bit Number | 201921014067 A
08/04/2019 |
10/05/2019 |
7 | Method and Apparatus for Squaring operation”, | Application No: 202121022673 | 21/05/2021 |
8 | Method and Apparatus for cube operation of any radix N-bit number”, | Application No: 202121023453 | 26/05/2021 |
9 | esture based VocalizerG | 202121022504 A
20/05/21 |
25/06/21 |
Dr. R R Itkarkar
Sr. No. | Title. | Copyright/Patents | Details of Copyright/Patents |
1 | CNN based hand gesture recognition for Indian Sign
Language |
Copyright | Diary Number 6203/2020-CO/L
19/10/2020 |
2 | Development Of A Screening Tool For Sleep Apnea For Experts In Clinical Setups | Indian Patent | Application No. 202141022036 A Filled on 17/05/21 and published on 11/06/21 |
3 | Gesture Based Smart Vocalizer | Patent | Application No. 202121022504 A Filled on 20/05/21 Published on 25/06/21 |
4 | Design of Writing board with arrangement of Projector and Camera | Design Patent | Design No. 350663-001 Filled on 04/10/2021 Registered patent(a good as granted) 24/11/2021 |
5 | Regular Equal Water distribution system | Patent | 202221000370 A
Filled on 04/01/2022published on 21/01/2022 |
6 | Development of a Screening tool for Sleep Apnea for experts in clinical setups | Australian Patent | Patent Number: 2021103840
Filled on 17/05/2021 Granted on 30/03/ 2022 |
Dr. Vidya Deshmukh
Sr. No. | Title. | Copyright/Patents | Details of Copyright/Patents |
1 | Microwave Sensor for non invasive determination of blood glucose level | Patent | 201921014247 A
10/5/2019 |
Mr. S. B. Dhekale
Sr. No. | Title. | Copyright/Patents | Details of Copyright/Patents |
1 | Feature Extraction and Machine Learning for Evaluation of Students Communication Skills | Patent | 202141028830
27/06/2021 |