PhD Guides:
Sr. No. | Name of Supervisor | Area of Interest | Mail Id | Photos |
1 | Dr. Bormane D S | Signal, Image Processing | | ![]() |
2 | Dr Shashikant V. Athawale | Wireless Secuirty , Ad hoc networks | | ![]() |
3 | Dr Madhavi Pradhan | Machine Learning | | ![]() |
4 | Dr D P Gaikwad | Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence | | ![]() |
5 | Dr Shabnam Farook Sayyad | Image processing, computer vision, HCI, Deep learning | | ![]() |
6 | Dr Deepali Ujalambkar | ML, Data Science | | ![]() |
7 | Dr. Suresh D. Shirbahadurkar | Power Electronics, Speech Processing | | ![]() |
8 | Dr. Dinesh Bhagwan Hanchate | AI, Software Engineering | | ![]() |
9 | Dr Sarika Zaware | Data Mining and data warehouse | | ![]() |
The following forefront areas have been identified to carry out the research studies.
- Advanced databases
- Linux
- Artificial intelligence
- Parallel processing
- Software engineering
- Wi-Fi and blue tooth technology
Current Research topics
- Data Mining
- Soft Computing
- Computer Vision
- Wireless Sensor Network
Research Publication (2023-24)
- S.V.Athawale ,”Sentiment Analysis of Customer Reviews using Pre trained Language Models”, IJISAE, 2147-6799, 2023-24.
- Dr M A Pradhan, “Decentralized Storage Rental System”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2321-9653, 2023-24.
- Shabnam Sayyad, “Numerical analysis of uneven settlement of highway subgrade based on nonlinear algorithm” Nonlinear Engineering, vol. 12, no. 1, 2023”,Nonlinear Engineering, ISSN 20220253, 2023-24.
- Shabnam Sayyad, “Artificial Neural Networks Algorithms for Diagnosis for Human Hair loss Related Autoimmune Disorder Problem”, Journal of Autonomous Intelligence, Issue 1. Volume 6 (2023) July 2023, 2630-5046(online), 2023-24.
- D.M. Ujalambkar , “Allocation of channels over optical burst switching (OBS) networks in smart cities using integrated statistical techniques”, Springer, 2633–2644, 2023-24.
- D.M. Ujalambkar, “Ship Detection at Small Ports using CNN”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 2231–5381, 2023-24.
- Mrs Shikha Pachouly, Blockchain Based Fund Raiser & Splitter for Open-Source Project”, IJRASET, 2321-9653, 2023-24.
- Mrs Shikha Pachouly, ”The Role of Explanability in AI-Driven Fashion Recommendation Model – A Review”, IJRASET,2321-9653, 2023-24.
- Mrs Shikha Pachouly, ”The Role of Explanability in AI-Driven Fashion Recommendation Model – A Review”, IRJET,2321-9653, 2023-24.
- V V Navale, ”FeelFlow: Music Recommendation System Based on your Facial Expression”, IJRASET,2321-9653, 2023-24.
- N A Rai, ”Optimizing Precision: Brain Tumor Detection”, IJRASET, 2321-9653, 2023-24.
- V V Navale, ”Superlative Classification Model”, IJRASET, 2321-9653, 2023-24.
Research Publication (2022-23)
- S.V.Athawale, “Improved resilience of secret sharing scheme with augmented multifarious features”, springer link, 2633–2644, 2022-23
- S.V.Athawale, “THWSN: Enhanced Energy-Efficient Clustering Approach for Three-Tier Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Sensors, 1530-437X, 2022-23.
- S.V.Athawale, “Real Time face detection and emotion recognition using Convolutional Neural Network(CNNs),keras & Tensor flow”, Industrial Engineering Journal, 0970-2555, 2022-23
- S.V.Athawale, “Support Vector Regression for Mobile Target Localization in Indoor Environments”, Sensors/MDPI, 1424-8220, 2022-23
- S.V.Athawale, “Advanced Buried Threat Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks”, SAMRIDDHI, 2454-5767, 2022-23
- S.V.Athawale, “Experimental and simulation research on the difference in motion technology levels based on nonlinear characteristics”, DE GRUYTER, 2192-8029, 2022-23 Pradhan
- S.V.Athawale, “Convolutional Neural Networks using KERAS for Face Detection and Emotion Recognition.”, The Ciencia & Engenharia – Science and Engineering Journal, 0103-944X, 2022-23
- S.V.Athawale, “Optimizing Surplus Resources To Private Cloud”, The Ciencia & Engenharia – Science andEngineering Journal, 0103-944X, 2022-23
- S.V.Athawale, “Blockchain-Based Optimization Model for Evaluating Psychological Mental Disease and Mental Fitness”, Hindawi, 1687-5273, 2022-23
- S.V.Athawale, “Modern Land Registration and Transactions using “, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 0974-5823, 2022-23
- S.V.Athawale, “Developing Virual Reality Apps to Enhance Tourism”, The Ciencia & Engenharia – Science and Engineering Journal , 0103-944X, 2022-23
- S.V.Athawale, “Growth Prospects of Franchising Under Current Business Scenario”, webology, 1735-188X, 2022-23
- M.A.Pradhan, “Survey of Diabetic Retinopathy Classification Using Deep Learning Techniques to Enhance The Finding Using Colour Normalization Technique “, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal , 2347-7180, 2022-23
- M.A.Pradhan, “Diabetic Retinopathy Classification Using Deep Learning Techniques to Enhance Findings with Color Normalization Techniques”, The Ciencia & Engenharia – Science and Engineering Journal , 0103-944X, 2022-23
- M.A.Pradhan, “A Novel Approach to Recommend the Places by Using User’s Social Media Point of Interest”, IJIRSET, 2319-8753, 2022-23
- M.A.Pradhan, “Criminal record management system using blockchain”, Samruddhi JPSET, 2229-7111, 2022-23
- Dr M A Pradhan, “Disk comparison to acheive a load balanced solution in azure cloud systems”, Samruddhi JPSET, 2454-5767, 2022-23
- D.P. Gaikwad, “Ensemble of Decision Trees for Intrusion Detection System”, International Journal of Computing and Digital System, 2210-142X, 2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “Artificial Neural Networks Algorithms for Diagnosis for Human Hair loss Related Autoimmune Disorder Problem”, Journal of Autonomous Intelligence, ISSN 2630-5046 (online), 2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “A Brief Study on Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Research, Diagnosis and Therapy “, Asian Journal of Organic & Medicinal Chemistry ,ISSN 2456-8937, 2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “Experimental study of hardness and corrosion properties of AZ91 magnesium alloy after electroless nano composite coating”, Materials Today Proceeding,ISSN 2214-7853, 2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “A Comparative Study of the Performance Appraisal Systems of India’s Public and Private Sector Banks”, Journal of Pharmaceutical negetive results, 2229-7723, 2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “Overview of Various Crop Disease Detection Techniques”, hodhasamhita, 2227-7067, 2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “Movies Sucess and target Audience Prediction”, shodhasamhita, 2227-7067,2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “Experimentation of Oxygen Production from Water”, shodhasamhita, 2227-7067, 2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “Performance Analysis of Diesel Engine by using Castor oil Biodiesel”, shodhasamhita,2227-7067,2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “Emmision study of Diesel engine using palm biodiesel with an Additive”, shodhasamhita, 2227-7067, 2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “blockchain Technology Applications and Cryptocurrencies: current practice and future trends”, Pacific Business Review (International), 0974-438X, 2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “A Brief Study on Artificial Intelligence in Cancer research, Diagnosis and therapy”, Asian Journal of Organic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2456-8937, 2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “Blockchain Technologies in Healthcare System for Real Time Applications Using IoT and Deep Learning Techniques”, IJCNIS, 2073-607X, 2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “Cloud Computing Based Network Analysis in Smart Healthcare System with Neural Network Architecture”, IJCNIS, 2073-607X, 2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “A Comprehensive Survey of Various Machine”, International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 0976-5034, 2022-23
- Shabnam Sayyad, “A comprehensive Study of the performance Appraisal system of india public and Privete sector bank”, asian journal of organic and medicinal chemistry, 2456-8937, 2022-23
- D.M. Ujalambkar, “Social Distancing and Face Mask Detection using Yolov4 and CNN”, SAMRIDDHI, 2454-5767, 2022-23
- D.M. Ujalambkar, “CLOUD DATA: ENCRYPTION AND AUDITING BY A THIRD PARTY”, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 0367-6234, 2022-23
- D.M. Ujalambkar, “Big Data Enabled Real time crowd surveillance and threat detection using artificial intelligence and deep learning”, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal , 2347-7180, 2022-23
- D.M. Ujalambkar, “Implementation of Pneumonia Detection using VGG19 Based on chest X-rays”, SAMRIDDHI,2454-5767, 2022-23
- D.M. Ujalambkar, “Big Data Enabled Realtime Crowd Surveillance and Threat Detection Using Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning”, The Ciência & Engenharia – Science & Engineering Journal,0103-944X, 2022-23
- A S Deokar, “Decentralized E-KYC Blockchain Network for Central Bank”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET),ISSN: 2321-9653, 2022-23
- S. R. Nalamwar, “Automated System to classify and detect the skin lesion”, IJISRT,2456-2165, 2022-23
- S. R. Nalamwar, “Enhancing The concept of Generative Art”, IJRASET,2321-9653, 2022-23
- V V Waykule, “Online Organ Donation System Using Blockchain”, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts,ISSN: 2320-2882, 2022-23
- V V Waykule, “Online Organ Donation Using Blockchain”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology,ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538, 2022-23
- Shikha Pachouly, “Depression Detection of audio, image and text using machine learning Technique”, IJSREM, 2582-3930, 2022-23
- M M Phadatare, “Automated Question Generator using NLP”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET),ISSN: 2321-9653, 2022-23
- M M Phadatare, “Automated Question Generator using NLP: A Survey”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET),ISSN: 2321-9653, 2022-23
- S . S .Kolte, “Disk comparison to acheive a load balanced solution in azure cloud systems”, Samruddhi JPSET, 2454-5767, 2022-23
- S. S. Jadhav, “Review Paper on Web Content Mining”, Industrial Engineering Journal, 0970-2555, 2022-23
- Neha Rai, “Making Legal Contract Smart using Block Chain Technology”, IJARESM, 2455-6211, 2022-23
- V V Navale, “Overview of Gesture Recognition Based Virtual Mouse and Keyboard”, IJRASET,2321-9653, 2022-23
Research Publications (2021-22)
- Dr D P Gaikwad, “Prediction of spark ignition engine performance with bio ethanol-gasoline mixes using a multilayer perception model”, Petroleum Science and Technology, 1437-1461, 2021.
- Dr Madhavi Pradhan, “Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease Using Convolution Neural Network”, The International Journal Of Analytical And Experimental Modal Analysis, 0886-9367, 2021.
- Dr S F Sayyad, “Study on Corrosion Properties of Epoxy Polymer Composite Coating for Marine Application”, Design Engineering, 0011-9342, 2021.
- Dr S F Sayyad, “A Comparative Study of the Performance Appraisal Systems of India’s Public and Private Sector Banks”, Asian Journal of Organic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2456-8937, 2021.
- N R Talhar, “Parkinson Disease Detection from Spiral and Wave Drawing using Machine Learning Algorithm” International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology. 252-256 Vol. 2, Issue 3 Nov 2022 ISSN 2581-9429, DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-7631.
- N R Talhar, “Customer Churn Prediction Using Machine Learning”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 872-883, Vol 11 Issue II 2022 ISSN 2321-9653 DOI:10.22214/ijraset.2023. 49142
- N R Talhar, Madhubala Kamble, “Food Nutrition and Healthy diet During Covid-19 Using AI/ ML,” International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 2321- 9653, 2021
- N R Talhar, Dr S V Athawale, “Smart WLAN Design for Intrusion Prevention System, Innovative Research in Management,” Applied Science and Engineering Stochastic Modelling and Applications, 0972- 3641, 2021
- Mr Anilkumar J Kadam, KC Jondhale, “Remote Sensing Bid-Data Classification with Support Vector Machine,” Turkish Online Journal of Qualitativ e Inquiry, 1309- 6591,2021
- Kadam AK, Varma V, Patil S, Patil M, Patil M, “Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing Using Aes Algorithm and Md5 Algorithm,” SAMRIDDHI: A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2229-7111, 2022
- Mr Anilkumar J Kadam, KC Jondhale, “Design of Framework for Aggregate Key Sharing Mechanism in Cloud Environment,” Journal of Optoelectro nics Laser, 1005-0086,2022
- Mr Anilkumar J Kadam, KC Jondhale, “Design of framework for multi-objective workflow planning for IaaS platform in cloud environment,” International Journal of Health Sciences, 2550- 6978,2022
- Dr S V Athawale, “Support Vector Regression for Mobile Target Localization in Indoor Environments,” MDPI Sensors, 1424-8220,2021
- S R Nalamwar, “X-Ray Image Enhancement Using CLAHE Method, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2395-0056,2021
- S R Nalamwar, “Prediction of Autism Spectrum Disorder using Depp Learning: Survey, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2395-0056,2022
- A S Deokar, A Chatbot for Medical purpose using Deep learning, International Journal of Engg. Research and Technology,Volume 10, Issue 5,2021
- A S Deokar, Designing of application for detection of face mask and social distancing during covid-19 using CNN and Yolo, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 1,2021
- A S Dokar, Stubble Aggregation : An E-Commerce Website, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology,Volume: 09 Issue: 03,2022
- Waykule V V, Ankita Dalvi, Megha Darda, Modern Social Media Application on Serverless Architecture with Microservices Pattern, IRJET, 2395- 0056,2021.
- Waykule V V, Darshan Rajopadhye, Pravin Shelke, Monocular Depth Estimation using Atrous Convolutions: A Survey, IRJET, 2395- 0056, 2021.
- Waykule V V, Vishal Tanawade, Sarthak Thorat, Plant Leaf Disease Detection using Inception Resnet V2 –CNN, IJARSCT, 2581- 9429, 2022.
- Waykule V V, Siddhant S. Patil, Speech Emotion Recognition System Using Recurrent Neural Network in Deep Learning, IJRASET, 2321- 9653, 2022.
- Deepali Ujalambkar et al., “Social Distancing and Face Mask Detection using Yolov4 and CNN”, International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN:2455-6211 Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022.
- Deepali Ujalambkar et al., “Pneumonia Detection using VGG19 on Chest X-ray Images”, International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022
- Rutuja Tambe, Anmol Thete, Aniket Gadhave, Sumedh Dhengre, Positive Vibes: A Real-time Facial Emotion Detector And Output Based Task Recommender, Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2395-0056, 2021
- Snehal Gore, Vasuki Rohilla, Poonam Raut, Sumedh Dhengre, Stock Market Prediction And Analysis Using Machine Learning Algorithms, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2022.
- V. Athawale, N. R. Talhar, S. G. Dhengre, V.R. Tribhuvan, Smart WLAN Design for Intrusion Prevention System, Stochastic Modeling & Applications, Special Issue on Innovative Research in Management, Applied Science and Engineering, 0972-3641, 2022
- Ajay Singh, Neha Agrwal, Shikha Pachouly, Man Machine Interaction in Autonomous Vehicles, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, 2022
- Shikha Pachouly,Piyu sh Choradia, Prediction of House Price Using Machine Learning, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 2022
- MMPhadatare, Movie Recommendation System using Hybrid Approach: A Review, INTERNATI ONAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN APPLIED SCIENCE AND ENGINEERI NG TECHNOL OGY, 2022
- MMPhadatare Aishwarya Bhondave, Bridge Health Monitoring System using IOT, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2395- 0056,2021
- S.Kolte, Online fake review detection based on multiple feature using machine learning techniques, IJASRET, 2456-0774,2021
- S.Kolte, Genius – Personal Assistant, IJRASET, 2321-9653,2021
- M M Swami, The Movie Recommendation on Systemusing Content Based Filtering with TF-IDF- Vectorization and Levenshtein Distance, IJARSCT, VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2021
Research Publications (2020-2021)
- Dr D P Gaikwad, Detection of Malaria Parasite in Blood Using, Solid State Technology.Scopus (ISSN 0038-111X).
- Dr D P Gaikwad, Instance Segmentation of Lung Infection of Coronavirus in CT scan Lungs. International Journal of Engineering Inventions. (e-ISSN: 2278-7461, p-ISSN: 2319-6491 Volume 9, Issue).
- Dr D P Gaikwad, Parkinson Detection using Image Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning. Journal of Network Security Computer Networks. (ISSN: (2581-639X) Volume-6, Issue-3).
- Dr D P Gaikwad, Efficient Alphabetic Text-based Tree Indexing. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology. (Vol.10. No.1, 001-010. E-ISSN: 2278–179X).
- Dr D P Gaikwad, Support Vector machine and Principal Component Analysis for Intrusion Detection System Machine. Manager’s Journal on Software Engineering,( ISSN: 2214
-7853). - Dr D P Gaikwad, Intrusion Detection System Using Ensemble of Decision Trees and Genetic Search Algorithm as a Feature Selector. International Journal of Information Security Science,.9 Vol.9, No.2, pp.104-113.
- Dr D P Gaikwad, Detection of Malaria Parasite in Blood Using. Scopus, 63 No. 6 (2020).
- Dr D P Gaikwad, Intrusion Detection System Using Ensemble of Rule Learners and First Search Algorithm as Feature Selectors, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security. 10.5815/ijcnis.2021.04.03.
- Dr S V Athawale, An intermediate security service. The International Journal Of Analytical And Experimental Modal Analysis. 0886-9367.
- Better course recommendation system. Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research(JICR). 0022-1945.
- Dr M A Pradhan, Open Banking using Voice Enabled Personal Assistants. UGC, 2321-9653.
- N R Talhar, “Calorie detection of food image based on SVM algorithm,” International journal for research in applied science and engineering technology. ISSN 2321-9653
- N R Talhar, “Edge Computing based storage monitoring system using IoT”, 2nd International Conf onIoT based control system networks and Intelligent systems, 726-736, 28-29 June 2021.
- Dr S F Sayyad, A method and system for saving water using water level indicator and smart limiter water level indicator and smart limiter,2021, Australian Patent Journal No 34/39 Patent No 2021106694.
- Dr S F Sayyad, Velocity and acceleration Patent analysis of four bar chain mechanism Application No graphically ,2020, /Application No: 201921024416.
- Dr S F Sayyad, Smart Washroom Sayyad System ,2020, patent Journal 3 2020
Patent No 2020102315.
- Dr S F Sayyad, Method and System for Managing Social Distancing,2020, Patent Journal No 32/2020.
- Dr S F Sayyad,Method and system for managing social distancing,2020, Australian Patent Journal No 34/39 Patent No 2020102319.
- Dr. S V Athawale, 201721009602 A: An Improved Vampire Attack Detection and Prevention of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Using an Intelligent Mobile Agents.
- Dr. S V Athawale, Shortest Path Identification in Hospitals National 20/3/2021 Granted 28/1/2022 108032
- Dr. S V Athawale, 11668/2016CO/L: Vampire Attacks Detection and Prevention in Wireless Ad Hoc Network
Research Publications (2019-2020)
- Dr D P Gaikwad, Ensemble of Rule Learner and Sequential Minimum Optimization Algorithm for Intrusion Detection System: International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), (ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-2).
- Sumedh Dhengre, Dhanpradha bhoite, Ankita Kamble, Vishakha Kamble, Enabling authentication and Access Control-Based Data Sharing with personal Information Hiding for Secure Cloud Storage. IJFMR, (ISSN: 2582-2160).
- Bhakti Patil, Vedant Digraskar,Vikas Agarwal, Amit Deokar Intelligent Agriculture System With Crop Selection Using IOT. International Journal for Research Development in Technology (ISSN (O): – 2349-3585).
- A S Deokar, Dermatological Disorder Detection Through Machine Learning, International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering (IJRECE), ISSN: 2393-9028.ISSN: 2348-2281.
- A. J. Kadam, Natural disaster monitoring alert using IoT. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (ISSN: 2349-5162)
- A.J.Kadam Early stage disease detection systems. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. (ISSN 2349-5138).
- M. M. Swami, Sentiment Analysis using Three Different Algorithms. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET). (ISSN: 2321-9653).
- S S Jadhav, Energy saving cluster based approach for load balancing in WSN”. Green Energy Technology for Sustainable Environment). Green Energy Technology for Sustainable Environment). ISBN-978-81-924990-7-9 IeI (India).
- S R Nalamwar, Prediction of cardiovascular disease using Deep Learning. National conference on computational Intelligence and Automation NCCIA.
Research Project funded by Savitribai Phule Pune University.
- Design of Classifier for Detection of Diabetes using Soft Computing
The usage of data mining techniques in clinical medicine datasets has opened new avenues in medical profession and soft computing. The motivation for this thesis arose as a consequence of studying new applications of predictive data mining methodologies to clinical data and the need of real users using these applications. This research work has been done to implement and evaluate a predictive model (classifier) for clinical data related to esp. diabetic patients.
Other Research Projects
- The development of Video Surveillance using IoT to secure the bank
Under this research project, the video surveillance application for banking security is being developed using IoT. In this project, the actual image of moving object is captured by CCT camera and, then the image is processed by using image processing techniques. If the moving object found live, then the system is capable to send video to concern authority to signal the misbehavior in bank or any financial organization.
- The development and implementation of fast algorithm for vision – based hand gesture recognition
The development of ubiquitous computing has made computer very important in our daily life. The development of user interfaces forms the change in the human computer interaction (HCI) devices. The aim of this research is to build up a real-time method which is able to accept instructions given by means of hand gestures to expand the ways that people can interact with their computers for playing video, enhancing the video quality and replacement of objects in a video frames by using hand gestures .The enhancement in fast algorithm is the major feature of the research.
- Wireless Security & Privacy
The Security and Privacy of computer has high-impact, innovative, and exciting computer security research. Our current research interests include security and privacy for Wireless LAN 802.11a/b/g, mobile device security.
- Variance analysis in software fault prediction model using support vector machine
In this research machine learning method is used for predicting fault, i.e. support vector machine to predict the accuracy of the model predicted. The proposed models are validated using dataset collected from Open Source software. The results are analyzed using Area under the Curve (AUC) obtained from Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis. The results show that the model predicted using the support vector machine outperformed all the other models. Hence, based on these results it is reasonable to claim that quality models have a significant relevance with object oriented metrics and that machine learning methods have a comparable performance with supervised learning methods.
- Categorization of the Documents using Machine Learning Techniques
Clustering is nothing but grouping similar items together. Clustering documents can be very useful for Information retrieval, News papers publishing house, Government agencies etc. K-means is simple to implement, widely used clustering algorithm used for clustering. But to process large documents using one machine is good solution. So Apache Hadoop which supports Mapreduce framework can be a good solution. Hadoop uses distributed computing and distributes task to multiple nodes (map stage) and then combine all outputs together (reduce stage) to generate final output. All these tasks executed in parallel. So performance can be increased. Checking cluster quality is also equally important. For that Davies Bouldin Index is used.
- DSP based vector controlled 3 phase Induction Motor
AC induction motors, which contain a cage, are very popular in variable-speed drives. They are simple, rugged, inexpensive and available at all power ratings. Progress in the field of power electronics and microelectronics enables the application of induction motors for high-performance drives, where traditionally only DC motors were applied. This drive application allows vector control of the AC induction motor using Digital Signal Processor (DSP) running in a closed-speed loop with the speed / position sensor coupled to the shaft.
- A Survey on Examination Scheduling Problem (ESP) and Hyper-Heuristic approaches for solving ESP.
Examination Scheduling is a divergent, combinatorial optimization problem which tends to be solved using stochastic search approaches such as evolutionary algorithms (EAs) and heuristic methods such as Hill-climbing, Simulated annealing, Tabu search, Genetic algorithms, Graph coloring etc. In this research on examination Scheduling Problem (ESP) and Hyper-Heuristics approaches used to solve Examination Scheduling.
- Reliability Enhancement in WSN Using Loss Recovery Model
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network of spatially distributed sensors communicating each other. They are transmitting their data to central node i.e. sink. For any network it should be reliable and energy efficient in nature. In multi-hop communication data flows through several hops but 100% data is not transmitted to sink. Sometime the data rate is also high. Traffic load in multi-hop wireless sensor network is not distributed uniformly over the nodes so there are more chances of data loss. To prevent this loss a necessary actions should be taken. In loss recovery algorithm caching method is used to recover from loss of packets and to improve reliability of network.