Industry Institute Interaction

Sr. No. AY Name of Industry Name of Coordinator Date of MoU Signed Valid upto
1 2022-23 B&R Industrial Automation, Pune Mr S N Chiwande 01-03-2023 01-03-2025
2 2021-22 Pune Management Association, Pune Mr S N Chiwande 20-09-2021 Life time
3 2021-22 Elon Power Pvt. Ltd Dr N G Shekapure 22-02-2022 21-02-2027
4 2021-22 UB Cryogenic Solutions LLP Pune Mr S K Bidgar 04-03-2022 03-03-2027
5 2020-21 Univision Automation Pune Ms Y K Funde 08-01-2021 20-01-2026
6 2020-21 Aarohi Industries Mr M L Chanpur 18-01-2021 20-01-2026
7 2020-21 X-Cubator Mr V Y Sonawane 18-03-2021 18-03-2024
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