Quality Teaching-Learning Process: One Faculty One Industry

Dr. D.S. Bormane
Principal, AISSMS COE
Being a premier college located in the heart of the city, we at AISSMS College of Engineering, have been imparting quality education since its inception. And this is one of the many reasons why parents and students from all over India prefer AISSMS COE for embarking the journey of Engineering. We have sustained the test of time due to the strong ideologies that give our students a headstart in their career.
AISSMS College of Engineering strongly believes that besides academic knowledge, moulding students to meet the corporate expectation once they get their degrees is of utmost importance. We prepare the students to meet the demands of the current industry. This value-added mode of educating students helps them in enhancing their professional growth. Thus, imparting Quality Education has been an integral aspect of our college, through continuous improvement in teaching-learning processes over the years.
We also believe that besides the regular teaching-learning process, additional skills like hands-on training, are extremely crucial. Thus along with our teaching-learning process we provide the students with exposure to the industry through visits, expert lectures workshops etc so that they can meet the expectations and demands of the industry.

Our Value Based Quality Education Programs Include:
- Skill oriented short term courses
- Use of demonstrative teaching methodology
- Value added certification courses
- Industry-Institution Interaction
- Development of sound entrepreneurship skills in the institution itself
- Revamping and strengthening of placement cell
- Introduction of summer internship programme and modernisation of infrastructure
- Laboratories to be at par with advanced technology
In our attempt to provide quality skill education and make the students industry ready, we at AISSMS COE believe and apply the concept of one faculty one industry teaching-learning quality process.
We believe that along with emphasis on syllabus coverage, hands on training will play a crucial role in forming graduates who will be ready with all pre-requsites necessary to embark into the industrial sector which is infact the need of the hour.
We conduct several programmes and activities with the same objective including industry visits, expert talk by industry professionals, short-term training programmes, industrial internship, UG/PG projects (live projects), memorandum of understanding (MoU), curriculum development, consultancy to solve industrial problems and human resources development programmes.

The One Faculty One Industry Program
Each faculty interacts with a separate industry making it convenient for the industry, the faculty and the students to colaborate, thus enhancing the productivity and effectiveness of the programme.
Through “One faculty one industry” concept, every faculty identifies an industry from their domain of interest hence creating a wider spectrum of diverse themes from which the students can learn. It helps to builds long-term association with industries in an organised manner.
Since individual faculty become the single point of contact for a respective industry, the programmes can be conducted smoothly. This reduces the chances of topics being repeated and even the hassels of updating the industry with the previous interactions. Students too find it easy communicating with one faculty who is an expert in the topic due to personal interest and continuous interaction with the industry.
Individual faculty initiates various activities and maintains record for interaction with identified industry hence providing students with an effective industrial exposure and an enriched teaching-learning process. To ensure continual industry-institute interaction we have also formally collaborated with many industries by signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with them.
Since 1992, we have come a long way, maintaining our standard and popularity because of these unique ideologies. Established under the canopy of All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society the institute has a firm foundation laid on heritage and an ideology of value added quality education.
Our vision has been to uplift the common masses and to develop the society through dynamic education. Maintaining the quality teaching-learning process through one faculty-one industry is an essential part of that policy.